According to Ellen Smith at
Mine Safety & Health News, yesterday the House of Representatives passed the MINER Act, which, in part, amends the 1977 Mine Act. This was passed by the Senate 2 weeks ago. The President is expected to sign this bill into law. Below is the the full text of the bill as it was passed by both the House and Senate.
The bill, in part, mandates:
* a minimum $5,000 and maximum $60,000 penalty for not reporting a life-threatening accident within 15 minutes;
* a maximum $250,000 fine and a year imprisonment for any operator who willfully violates a mandatory health or safety standard, or knowingly violates or fails or refuses to comply with any order issued under section 104 and section 107.
* a minimum penalty of $2,000 for any 104(d)(1) citation or order;
* a minimum $4,000 penalty for any 104(d)(2) order.
* a $220,000 civil penalty for violations deemed "flagrant," as described as "reckless or repeated failure to make reasonable efforts to eliminate a known violation of a mandatory health or safety standard that substantially and proximately caused, or reasonably could have been expected to cause, death or serious bodily injury."
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