Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Oldcastle: new acquisition

Oldcastle Materials has opened up its wallet. The company, a division of the Irish construction-materials company CRH, has bought its second aggregate company in Oregon's Willamette Valley. Oldcastle bought Egge Sand & Gravel in Eugene this month, adding to its roster, which includes Klamath Pacific in Klamath Falls and River Bend Sand & Gravel in Salem. "Oldcastle's a very, very good company," said Richard Angstrom, the president of the Salem-based Oregon Concrete and Aggregate Producers Organization. "They're well-respected in the industry. They do a good job in the communities they're in." Oldcastle boasts more than 13,000 employees in 30 states. It generated more than $3.5 billion in revenues in 2004. Your comment?