Thursday, July 24, 2008

Saving the HTF

According to NSSGA, on Wednesday afternoon, the House of Representatives voted 387 to 37 on a bill to infuse the Highway Trust Fund (HTF) with enough revenue to ensure it remains solvent until Congress can reauthorize the massive multi-year highway bill next year. Due to the parliamentary procedures used to consider the bill, which prevented any amendments, a two-thirds vote of support was needed to pass. The next legislative hurdle for the legislation is the Senate, which is unlikely to consider the bill before September. H.R. 6532 would recapture about $8 billion in HTF revenues transferred to the general fund when Congress passed TEA-21 in 1998. The legislation was introduced by the chairman of the Ways and Means committee, along with virtually all of the Transportation and Infrastructure committee including the chairman and senior Republican. Your comment?

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