Thursday, December 11, 2008

Infrastructure investment: A conservative view

Emil W. Henry Jr., assistant secretary of the Treasury from 2005 to 2007, has written a very compelling article on why Reagan Conservatives should get behind an infrastructure investment initiative such as the one being proposed by President-elect Barack Obama. He writes . . .

"In the wake of the recent electoral rout, we conservatives must redefine ourselves in a world that has changed since the birth of the Reagan Doctrine. One new reality is the imperative that our government modernize America's aging energy, water and transportation infrastructure.

"Many conservatives are uneasy with such talk -- clinging to the notion that government investment or oversight is anathema to Reagan orthodoxy and other core conservative beliefs. They fear the creation of another permanent bureaucracy, foresee a strain on the budget at a time of extreme economic distress and argue that such spending is an ineffective economic stimulus. These are all legitimate worries, but they miss the bigger point: Our infrastructure needs are at a critical juncture.

"Like the maintenance of a strong military -- investment that protects prosperity -- investment in key infrastructure is consistent with Reagan principles. Moreover, such "expansion" would promote several conservative ideals: economic growth, energy independence, national security and U.S. competitiveness. Your comment?

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