Thursday, July 28, 2005

Lafarge comes out hard and fast

The parade of second-quarter results has begun, and Lafarge North America is out of the gate hard and fast. The company reported second-quarter 2005 net income of $142.9 million. Operating income for the quarter was $208.2 million, up $40 million, or 24 percent, compared with the year-ago quarter. "Cement exceeded the record levels established last year," says Philippe Rollier, president and chief executive officer of Lafarge North America. "Prices during the quarter were also favorable, and our market outlook for the balance of the year is optimistic. Although we are facing cost pressures and stretching our production and distribution capabilities to meet higher demand, our results this quarter were excellent, and we will continue to do whatever is necessary to meet the needs of our customers." Look for the other main publically traded aggregates companies to report excellent results as well. Your comment?