Thursday, August 04, 2005

Who voted against?

When it came time to vote on SAFETEA-LU, the House voted 412-8 for the bill (with 14 no shows), and the Senate voted 91-4 for the bill (with 5 no shows). So, who were the legislators who voted against the bill? Glad you asked that question. In the house, they were: John Boehner, R-OH; Jeff Flake, R-AZ; Jeb Hensarling, R-TX; Walter Jones, R-NC; Edward Royce, R-CA;James Sensenbrenner, R-WI; John Shadegg, R-AZ; and Mac Thornberry, R-TX. In the Senate, the 'no' voters were: John Cornyn, R-TX; Judd Gregg, R-NH; Jon Kyl, R-AZ; and John McCain, R-AZ. No democrats voted against the bill. Sen. McCain -- touted as a future presidential candidate -- was an especially harsh critic of the bill. His comments just prior to the vote were particularly vitriolic. Your comment?