Monday, September 19, 2005

Anarchy in the U.K.

More news from over the pond: "If Government wants to ensure sustainable future supply of aggregates, it needs to get its act together and produce a coherent strategy," says the new Chairman of the U.K.'s Quarry Products Association, Lynda Thompson. Commenting on the Government's current consultations on future planning policy for Aggregates (MPS1 - Aggregates Annexe, produced by the ODPM), Mrs Thompson said that "the Consultation is yet another example of short term policy thinking that lacks any sense of strategy. The long term supply of aggregates and quarry products should be a key strategic issue for Government. These materials are vital for our long term national interest, and the UK is very fortunate in having extensive resources of rock, sand and gravel. If we are serious about building sustainable communities, we need sustainable supplies of aggregates for the long term." What is interesting is that the government in the U.K. has an aggregates policy at all, short-sighted as it may be. I'd suggest that our government establish an aggregates policy, but with our luck, it would be short-sighted as well, and be developed by someone like the former head of FEMA. Your comment?