Thursday, August 07, 2008

Infrastructure investment

According to NSSGA, before Congress adjourned for its summer recess, Sen. Robert Byrd (D-W.Va.) introduced a $24.1 billion stimulus-spending bill with the hope that it can get to the Senate floor in September. In the House of Representatives, Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has referenced a similar effort, but with a $50 billion price tag. The administration has noted repeatedly that the first stimulus checks are still reaching recipients, and they need to be given time to have an impact on the economy before another stimulus-spending bill is considered.

Included in the infrastructure spending section is $3.6 billion for highway investment, $893 million for transit, $100 million for Amtrak and $200 million for ready-to-go airport projects. In addition to the $4.8 billion, there is $400 million divided between equally the Clean Water State Revolving Fund and USDA for water and wastewater projects in rural areas. Under the categories of natural disasters, the bill would provide $1.2 billion for reconstruction of flood damaged roads or bridges, $250 million for infrastructure and economic recovery in communities affected by Midwest flooding, $360 million for repair of eligible levees and dredging, and finally $50 million to repair dams through the Watershed Rehabilitation Program. Added together, all forms of infrastructure would receive more than $7 billion in funds from the bill.

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