Bill passes the House
No, you're not dreaming. The U.S. House of Representatives passed the conference report on the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act - Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) by a vote of 412 to 8, according to NSSGA. Final Senate passage is set to occur this weekend. The $286.4 billion contained in this legislation guarantees a record amount for the nation's highway system -- although the amount falls far short of what is really needed -- totaling nearly $193.2 billion over five years. The annual levels of guaranteed obligations under the conference agreement, which covers five fiscal years (2005-2009), are as follows:
FY 2005 - $34.4 billion
FY 2006 - $36.0 billion
FY 2007 - $38.2 billion
FY 2008 - $39.6 billion
FY 2009 - $41.2 billion
On to the Senate! Your comment?